Efficient ways to keep your building sanitary, secure, sustainable, and successful

keep your building sanitary

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Everyone appreciates cleanliness: shining floors, fresh-smelling air, well-stocked restrooms, smudge-free windows. Besides being healthier, proper janitorial cleaning services protect a facilities’ assets, enhance employee productivity, and keep customers coming back. Keeping up with your custodial cleaning and maintenance is non-negotiable. Whether you operate one site or many, Glaring Cleaning Services keeps you clean, green, and compliant with a full range of expert commercial janitorial services.

Keeping Surfaces Clean

Clean air and clean surfaces go hand-in-hand and keep your building sanitary. The most effective air filtering systems can’t provide optimal air quality if the floors, ceilings, walls and work surfaces in a space aren’t kept clean. Dirty surfaces essentially become a “launchpad” for airborne contaminants. To maximize the overall cleanliness in your commercial building, you should:

  • Hire a professional cleaning service. Ideally, building occupants should do their part in keeping work spaces and common areas within their suite clean (see below). But at busy companies, that doesn’t always happen. Having a dedicated crew that makes a thorough, top-to-bottom pass through your building on a regular basis is vital.
  • Clearly define your cleaning crew’s responsibilities. For example, if you want them to clean and disinfect surfaces like elevator buttons, doorknobs, armrests on chairs in common areas, etc. regularly, you should make that clear.
  • Encourage occupants to keep their areas clean. Maximizing air quality and surface cleanliness takes a group effort. Occupants should understand that while a cleaning crew is working hardon their behalf, company employees can and should focus on cleaning up after themselves. They should be aware that their efforts not only benefit building occupants generally but also them specifically.
  • Stock plenty of cleaning supplies. Occupants are much more likely to keep their areas clean if they have access to the right supplies. It only takes a few instances where materials aren’t available for them to adopt the attitude that they will just leave messes for the cleaning crew.
  • Do regular inspections. You don’t have to describe your visits to common areas and occupant suites as “inspections,” but walking through them regularly and assessing their cleanliness helps you spot areas of concern so you can address them with your cleaning crew and/or the occupants before they become problematic.

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